
DE – Serving Army Reservist

“My life has been transformed by clinical hypnotherapy. When I started the sessions I was having severe panic attacks; I was hyper vigilant (I had even fortified my house); I had OCD symptoms, and my mind wouldn’t stop racing. I wasn’t sleeping and hardly eating. I was blowing everything out of proportion. There was a lot going on in my life and I didn’t feel able to deal with any of it. 

“I had experienced things in Afghanistan I couldn’t forget. Now my PTSD symptoms, which I had had for ten years, have vanished. Hours of CBT never got rid of them. I am still concerned about things from time to time, but just normal relationship concerns, and I feel stronger and able to deal with anything. I am thinking more clearly. I feel resilient.

“I had 9 sessions in all. I listened to recordings in between those sessions, which sorted out my insomnia almost immediately.  I was sleeping through the night within a week. I can see now that my childhood, during which I was beaten and punched by my father, and emotionally distant from my mother, played a great part in how I felt after my combat tour. In short, I would say hypnotherapy is a lifesaver. I would say I am 100% better.”

EB – NHS Nurse

“I couldn’t face nursing any more. It was so stressful. I was suicidal and had tried to overdose four times. I was depressed and even hallucinating, and having paranoid premonitions. I was looking at trees to see which one would be best to hang myself from. I had OCD symptoms. But clinical hypnotherapy saved me.

“My parents were both depressives. I was self-harming from the age of 12. I think I was always depressed. But within a few weeks of hypnotherapy sessions all suicidal ideation vanished and so did the hallucinations and premonitions. I didn’t want to kill myself any more. I felt brighter, more decisive and more confident.

“I felt so much more in control of myself and I was making clearer decisions. I stopped doing any drugs, which I had been using to numb my feelings. I acknowledged my feelings of abandonment, which were obviously coming from my childhood, and by acknowledging them it diminished their intensity. I feel able to go forward in my life now in a new, and stronger, way.” 

S B – Serving Army Reservist

“When I started hypnotherapy I was suffering low mood, insomnia and anxiety. I had found myself thinking of suicide and that scared me. I knew I needed help, not just for me but for my wife and two little girls too.

“Something happened in military basic training which had made me anxious and furious in equal measure, and I was struggling to get over it. I come from a military family and I felt I was being denied my chance by a bully.

“Hypnotherapy was probably the first time I had ever reflected on anything. If I had had it in basic training, I think my life would have gone a whole different way. I am a reservist now and it is wonderful, but I would have been a full-time military person because I would have had the resilience I needed to endure the abuse I suffered.

“Before I started hypnotherapy I felt powerless. During it, everything became clear – all the emotions I had been suppressing for so long surged up in one particular session and it was so vivid. That broke the dam inside of me.

“My wife saw the difference in me from the first hypnotherapy session. Hypnotherapy saved my marriage, and potentially my life. All the anger just left me and now I feel great. I feel so hugely positive now.” 

AL  – Police Constable 

“Sarah is not only an amazing person but also a fantastic hypnotherapist! She helped me with my self-esteem, anxiety issues and my panic attacks. After only a few sessions my panic attacks stopped, and my anxiety became manageable. A year on now, and I’ve not had a panic attack in a very long time, and things that used to cause me serious anxiety, I can now handle with more ease. So I would highly recommend Sarah! Not only did her hypnotherapy sessions help me get back control over my life, but the tips she offered also gave me a set of tools to use when things get a bit too much!” –

JE – Marine veteran

“I had been suffering from back pain for years when I consulted Sarah. My level of pain was reduced from the very first session, and by the end of the second session I felt no pain at all. My pain has never returned. I feel like I have got my life back. I can do all the things I did before my injury. When I overdo it a bit I can feel a slight vibration, so I know to relax and use the self-hypnosis techniques Sarah taught me.  I must admit that I was a bit of a sceptic before I tried clinical hypnosis. Now I couldn’t be more grateful.” –

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