Dealing With Grief

Losing someone we love or depend on is one of the most difficult, and painful, experiences we will ever endure.  The void it leaves behind can seem impossible to fill. Everyone processes and deals with grief differently. Some people experience crippling guilt; others, an almost uncontrollable anger. Others may enter a state of denial. Whatever the emotions grief provokes,  moving forward can be very, very difficult.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help a person process their grief; work through matters left undone, and even have those conversations with departed loved ones which they didn’t get to have.

Bottled-up grief can be extremely damaging to a person’s mental and physical health. Clinical hypnotherapy is a gentle, positive therapy which harnesses the power of the mind to change destructive thought patterns.

Clinical hypnotherapy can also help a grieving person cope with anxiety, insomnia and depression, and other symptoms of grieving.

If you have lost someone and are finding it difficult to contemplate a future without them, contact me to see how clinical hypnotherapy might be able to help you.

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